ICT in States
Honorable Mr. Justice Surya Kant, Chief Justice HP High Court Launches New Web Site
Honorable Justice Surya Kant, Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court, launched the new website of Himachal Pradesh High Court (https://hphighcourt.nic.in) on 14th May 2019. Honorable Justice Sureshwar Thakur, Honorable Justice Vivek Singh Thakur, Honorable Justice Ajay Mohan Goel, Honorable...
Chief Secretary Chairs Meeting to Improve Efficiency in Himachal Pradesh Secretariat
A meeting was held by Sh. B.K. Agarwal, Chief Secretary, Himachal Pradesh with all the Branch Officers, Section Officers and Personal Staff of the HP Secretariat in the Conference Hall on 27-April-2019 to discuss the challenges being faced in bringing efficiency in Secretariat Administration. Dr....
Inauguration of Automation System of Seed Certification for Uttarakhand (ASSCU)
The ASSCU, an end-to-end automation system of Seed Certification process, was inaugurated by Shri Subodh Uniyal, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture, Government of Uttarakhand on 02nd March 2019 in Kisan Bhawan , Dehradun. Having expertise in the field of automation in seed certification,...
Delegates of 27 Countries Visited HP Vidhan Sabha to View the Paperless Vidhan Sabha Functioning
On 12th February, 2019 the delegates from 27 countries saw the Working of Paperless H.P. Vidhan Sabha in the House. The delegates met Hon'ble Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh Sh. Jai Ram Thakur and Hon'ble Speaker H.P. Vidhan Sabha Dr. Rajiv Bindal in the main committee hall. While speaking...
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh Launches eVidhan Brochure and Budget Speech Webcast Link
Sh. Jai Ram Thakur, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh launched the eVidhan Brochure and Budget Speech webcast link on 5-February-2019 in HP Assembly, Shimla in the presence of Dr. Rajeev Bindal, Hon’ble Speaker HP Vidhan Sabha, Sh. Suresh Bhardwaj, Hon’ble Education Minister...