U.P. Commercial Tax Information Ticker : A Tool for Effective Management
You must have heard the proverb “A stitch in time saves nine”. However, in this era of Information revolution, we need to collaborate the management cliche with the philosophy to say “Instant Information to Enhance Governance”. This precisely has been witnessed that information...
Workshop on NDSAP and Open Government Platform at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
A one-day awareness workshop on National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy and Open Government Platform was held at Shimla on 21-June-2013 under the Chairpersonship of Sh. P.C. Dhiman IAS, Principal Secretary (Information Technology) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. About 80 officers from...
eGov AppStore launched
The eGov AppStore was launched on 31st May, 2013 by Hon'ble Minister Shri Kapil Sibal, in the presence of Secretary DeitY Shri J. Satyanarayana, Mission Director, Shri B.K.Gairola, DG, NIC, Shri M.Moni, and senior officers from NIC and DeitY. Some of the NIC state centres like...
State Level Transport Conference on Vahan and Sarathi at Shimla
A two-days State level Transport Conference on Vahan and Sarathi was held at Shimla on 4th and 5th of March 2013. Around 70 officers from the Department of Transport, State Administration, NIC District Centres and Police participated. The Conference was held in the Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public...
GePNIC Presentation at Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Asansol, WB
Inspired by the success story of Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. (MCL), Sambalpur, Orissa, Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Asansol, WB, a premier subsidiary of Coal India Limited, under the Ministry of Coal, Govt of India, has shown interest for implementation of NIC e-Procurement System. ...