Data Centre
Web GIS for Emergency Plan and Response
Web GIS helps in emergency planning and minimize the damage in case of any eventuality.
Digital Archiving and Management at National Informatics Centre
Digital objects are being created by governments, private corporations, authors, publishers, librarians, museum curators etc. in the form of text documents, photographs, images, audio and video footage, maps and more. Specifically, the massive volumes of paper generated by government offices can be pulled...
Dungarpur: Marching towards IT Excellence
The district Dungarpur is named after the town of hillocks and the capital of the former princely state of Dungarpur. Located in the southern part of Rajasthan, the town itself is said to have been a Bhil Pal or a hamlet of Dungaria.
SSL VPN: A Technology Overview
In the world of distributed computing, corporate applications are hosted in data centers located in multiple locations and are accessed by many users from various locations. To provide secure access to such network resources, technocrats have designed Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL...
Hands free Computing by Integrating Speech Recognisation
Voice reorganization and text to speech system is becoming a powerful tool to provide the services through ICT for the physically handicapped people. While entering to ATM counters and just after swapping the ATM card in the reader, a greeting voice as well as guiding instruction can be heard in almost...