Digital Archiving and Management at National Informatics Centre
Digital objects are being created by governments, private corporations, authors, publishers, librarians, museum curators etc. in the form of text documents, photographs, images, audio and video footage, maps and more. Specifically, the massive volumes of paper generated by government offices can be pulled...
SSL VPN: A Technology Overview
In the world of distributed computing, corporate applications are hosted in data centers located in multiple locations and are accessed by many users from various locations. To provide secure access to such network resources, technocrats have designed Secure Socket Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL...
e-Granthalaya: A Digital Agenda for Library Automation and Networking
Libraries are the social institutions as they provide various kinds of services to the users and citizen of the city / country. They have been the essential part of the education system in the society since early days. In the modern India, libraries have become the integral part of not only educational...
Purnea District: Cementing ICT for Masses
Constituted in the year 1813 the Purnea District comprises the eastern most part of the alluvial North Bihar plain. The name district was derived from the lotus flower, which was found in abundance in the past in the canal of Kosi and Mahananda rivers. Situated along the border of West Bengal &...
e-Courts Mission Mode Project: The Journey so Far
ICT enablement of judiciary is being pursued vigorously across the world. In India, ICT enablement of higher judiciary started in early nineties, covering the Supreme Court and all the 21 High Courts. Today, we have reached a stage where deployment of ICT in Supreme Court and the High Courts has reached...