CAS : MIS on Central Assistance to the States
With altering paradigms of Information and Communication Technology, NIC Cell at Planning Commission is on a constant endeavour to cater to the diverse requirements of various divisions of the Planning Commission of India. The e-Governance movement in country today has witnessed a complete facelift...
Online Entrepreneur Memorandum System : A step towards MSME development in Odisha
The Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) contribute significantly to value addition, employment generation, exports and overall growth and development of the country economy. In Odisha, a separate Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises was created in 2012 with an objective...
ICT in Local Bodies Elections in Haryana
The local bodies elections conducted by State Election Commission (SEC), evoke huge enthusiasm and interest amongst the public and political parties. Usually the number of candidates taking part in such elections is very large. Due to high percentage of votes polled, the value attached to each...
GoI Search as a Service (GoI-SaS)
Government of India (GoI) Search Platform initiative has enabled the citizens and other stakeholders to quickly access the data on Government websites. Under this initiative, Search as a service (GoI-SaS) facilitates the website owners in the Government to define their own search interface...
ROHTAK: ICT Hub for e-Governance in Haryana
The district derives its name from its headquarter town Rohtak, which is said to be a correction of Rohtashgarh, named after Raja Rohtash, in whose reign the city is said to have been built.