eROR: Register of Ordinary Residents for the Management of Citizen Database
Ordinary Resident Register (ORR) is a physical register maintained in the state of Tripura, at the lowest tier of local self-government (urban as well as rural), to record the details of the citizens. Citizens are not entitled to civic services and benefits, unless their names are recorded...
Publishing of Exam Results & Online Counselling from NIC Data Centre T
NIC Data Centre, Delhi has always played a proactive and pivotal role in providing robust, reliable and secure service-delivery platform to its hosted applications, be it a website, portal or any e-Governance project. Continuing with its decade long success trail, this year too, NIC Data Centre...
iCJS: Inter-operable Criminal Justice System
The Interoperable Criminal Justice System (iCJS) has been developed for the process of speedy justice by facilitating data-exchange between the courts, police/prosecution, jails and the forensic labs. The application has been developed by NIC for the District courts, prisons and Police...
CollabDDS: Network Enabled Medical Diagnosis and Education in Skeletal Imaging using X-Rays Dr. O. P. KHARBANDA
National Knowledge Network (NKN) due to high bandwidth and low latency has ensured the creation of applications which will be beneficial to all stakeholders in science, technology, governance and research & development. A model project funded by NKN and executed by NIC, New Delhi; AIIMS...
Infrastructural development mirrors the overall health of a nation economy. This is particularly true for developing economies where investments in infrastructure development lead to growth, life improvement and poverty alleviation. India has invested heavily on infrastructure development and...