eOffice Knowledge Management System
eOffice KMS is a simple, easy to use and rich feature, browser based document management system. It transforms both paper and electronic documents into knowledge assets that can be instantly used by the organization workforce.
eDMAIs-Delivering Mechanized Agricultural Implements System
Improved farm implements and machinery are used for different farm operations to increase productivity of land and labour through timeliness of operations, efficient use of inputs, improvement in the quality of produce, safety and comfort of farmers, reduction in loss of produce and drudgery...
NIKSHAY- A web based solution for monitoring of TB patients
To monitor Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP) effectively, a web-enabled and case-based monitoring application called NIKSHAY has been developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC). This is used by health functionaries at various levels across the country in association with...
Tribute to a Great Visionary: Dr. N. Seshagiri
Dr. N. Seshagiri, founder and the former Director General of National Informatics Centre, left for heavenly abode on Sunday the 26th of May 2013. Dr. Seshagiri was blessed with immense intellectual potential and high technical quotient. As the mastermind of the Nationwide Computer Network...
Enabling Effective Project Monitoring and Control in Government using web based CPM/Pert Technology
Enterprise Project management as a management discipline in Govt. underpins much economic activity. It is an effective project management that translates promises into well managed processes that improves everyday life. There is also an ever-increasing need and awareness to monitor closely the efficiency...