ICT Tools for Elections in Puducherry:Best Practices for Effective Election Management
General Elections and By-Elections of 2016 held in Puducherry UT made use of the best practices for effective Election Management with the help of ICT tools.
District Lakhimpur, Assam: Providing the best in ICT services with G2C focus
The NIC District Unit of Lakhimpur District was setup in 1990 and the Unit has made tremendous strides towards empowering the District Administration with ICT tools, spreading IT culture and developing & implementing numerous ICT applications at the District, State and National level.
District Dhenkanal, Odisha:Achieving Excellence With Quality ICT Services
The NIC District Unit-Dhenkanal strives to implement various eGovernance projects conceptualized at the National, State and District level maintaining a high degree of quality and excellence.
INFORMATICS- 25 Years of Excellence
An Exclusive Interview with Ms. Neeta Verma, Patron of the Publicationin Publishing on ICT in Government
The National Meet on Grassroot Informatics
India has been making progress in the field of Information and Communication Technology with leaps and bounds. This progress, however, would not have been possible without the contributions of the officers closest to the ground reality, the District Informatics Officers (DIO).