CAS : MIS on Central Assistance to the States
With altering paradigms of Information and Communication Technology, NIC Cell at Planning Commission is on a constant endeavour to cater to the diverse requirements of various divisions of the Planning Commission of India. The e-Governance movement in country today has witnessed a complete facelift...
Harsamadhan: Building Citizen Confidence through Transparency
The prime focus of government is timely and effective redressal of public grievances, which leads to citizen satisfaction and credibility of government in Public Delivery systems. With this in mind, the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances, Government of India in technical...
Commonwealth Express Train - An exposition on wheels
In the past Railways has successfully launched exhibition trains like Azaadi Express, Red Ribbon Express and National Science Express for highlighting Indian Independence, AIDS awareness and Science and Technology respectively. With Commonwealth games being hosted in India, Ministry of Railways...