West Bengal State Data Centre Indispensible Facilitation with a Common Centralized System
West Bengal State Data Centre is constituted of a world class Tier II data centre (having redundant capacity components and distribution path serving business continuity) as per TIA 942 standards with a guaranteed service level of 99.749%. The data centre ensures safe, secure, constantly monitored and...
Samagra Kutumba Survey Household Information Capturing System for Telangana Government
Samagra Kutumba Survey was conducted in all the districts of Telangana State ensuring that each household is surveyed once at one place. It was also aimed to have a high degree of accuracy in the data & statistics to enable the government to make appropriate strategic planning for citizen centric...
National eDistrict Portal An Initiative under eDistrict Mission Mode Project
National eDistrict Portal provides a real time view of the State-and category wise eDistrict services available to citizen such as Issue of Certificates, Social Welfare Schemes, Revenue Court, Ration Card, Grievance redress, RTI services and also various optional services.
Integrated Online Hotels Reservation System
The new Integrated Online Hotels Reservation System (iOHRS) developed by NIC, Himachal Pradesh is a standard solution to make the best use of Internet for providing improved services to tourists of Himachal Pradesh.
Online GIS Monitoring System
The online GIS monitoring system for sericulture development in Manipur is a solution for monitoring the progress of sericulture plantation using GIS, Satellite Imageries, Geo-tagged photographs and Vegetation Data.