e-HRM System for Government by NIC
This recently launched Application enables creation of e-Service book of employees from physical service book and automate the updation of e-Service book. This makes day-to-day processing of various records of employee possible, resulting in real time updation of servicebook and uniform implementation...
JEEVAN PRAMAAN Digital Life Certificate
Since its implemention in 2014, over 1.6 crore DLCs have been submitted by over 90 lakh pensioners. 3.01 lakh DLCs were submitted in a single day on 13th Nov, 2017. Peak utilization of the system was observed as 1,205 DLCs per minute on 9 Nov, 2017 at 11:36 AM. Jeevan Pramaan ecosystem has...
NIC District Centre, Visakhapatnam, since its inception has been instrumental in developing and successfully implementing various ICT based initiatives in the District besides its role in spreading the ICT culture among the Government Departments. The success stories are many and the efforts...
LOHIT District, Arunachal Pradesh
The IT revolution in Lohit started with NIC, Tezu as one of the main wings of District Administration. Today it has become invaluable for District Administration to execute the various e-Governance and ICT activities in line with the Digital India Program of Government of India.
International Co-operation: India's ICT Team Visits Sri Lanka
Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi at 18th SAARC, has envisioned making the region more connected and prosperous. His vision for the region rests on the primary pillars of trade, investment, assistance, cooperation, people-to-people contacts and seamless connectivity.