Zonal Workshops on Works MIS SW for HP IPH Officials Organised at Mandi, Dharamshala and Hamirpur Zones

Three Zonal Workshops on Works MIS software have been conducted for the Himachal Pradesh Irrigation and Public Health Department officers and officials posted at Mandi, Dharamshala and Hamirpur Zone offices. These workshops were conducted on 29th May at Mandi, 30th May at Dharamshala and on 31st May at Hamirpur. The objective of these Zonal Workshops is to sensitize and create awareness among the Departmental officials towards complete paper-less implementation of the Works MIS software solution for the HP IPH Department. More than 200 officials participated in these workshops.
Ms. Anuradha Thakur, Principal Secretary of the IPH Department is closely monitoring the progress of implementation of the Works MIS software and taking personal interest to ensure its proper utilization in all the IPH offices in the State. Instructions have been issued to the Department to switch to the paper-less mode with effect from May 2017.
These Zonal Workshops are part of the achieving the above objective and are being organized jointly by the HP IPH Department and NIC Himachal Pradesh, as part of the roll-out plan of Work MIS or eIPH software in all Divisions of the Department by the year-end. The World Bank is providing the funding for these Workshops under the Capacity Building Programme, of which Works MIS or Contract Management System is one of the components.
On 29th May, the first workshop was held at Dangsidhar IPH training Institute Mandi. Er. Rajesh Bakshi, Chief Engineer, Mandi zone welcomed the participants and urged them to adopt the system in its true form so that paper based reporting is stopped. About 49 participants representing different offices of Mandi Zone attended this workshop.
On 30th May, the workshop was held at Bachat Bhawan, Conference Hall, Dharamshala. Er. P.K. Sharma, Superintending Engineer (Design), Dharamshala zone welcomed the participants and raised the issue of poor adoption of the new system in certain Divisions. About 84 participants representing different offices of Dharamshala Zone attended this workshop.
On 31st May, the workshop was held at Hamir Bhawan, Conference Hall, D.C. office, Hamirpur. Er. J.S. Sodhi, Superintending Engineer (Design), Hamirpur zone welcomed the participants and urged the participants to switch to the online modules of Works MIS to bring efficiency and transparency in working at various levels of the Department. About 85 participants representing different offices of Hamirpur Zone attended this workshop.
In these 3 Zonal Workshops, Sh. Sanjay Kumar TD and Group Head along with Sh. Sanjay Thakur, Project Incharge/ PSA, NIC, HP State Centre, Shimla gave the overview and demonstration of the various modules of Works MIS web application. They briefed the participants about the process of making online account for Sub-Divisions and Divisions, generate online water bills for the citizens, create online inventory of various items in the various Divisional stores and linkage of Works MIS with the e-Procurement software. The NIC officials addressed the various queries raised by the IPH officials related to Manav Sampada and Works MIS web applications.
All officials appreciated the role of NIC, HP State Centre for developing the software solutions and providing continuous technical support to the Department. Similar Regional Workshops are planned at other District/ Divisional Headquarters in the coming months to ensure utilization of full potential of the Works MIS Software.