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Employment News

Lokesh Joshi, lokesh[at]nic[dot]in
  |   Jan 20, 2014

Employment News has played an instrumental role in assisting the students and job seekers by providing up-to-date information on job vacancies, job oriented training programmes, admission notices relating to job oriented courses and result of recruitment examinations. The weekly carries advertisement for job of Central, State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, Universities, admission notices for professional courses, examination notices and results of organizations like UPSC, SSC and other general recruitment bodies and mid level career promotion opportunities. Besides furnishing information on job vacancies, Employment News also carries article on job opportunities in various sectors, including emerging sectors, qualifications required to enter the profession and the institute to avail essential education and training.


The information rich website of the Employment News has been conscientiously designed with clear identity elements; however the icons highlighting the new content are bit distractive on the homepage. In the header region, content related to Employment News, its agents, budget along with information on admissions and results, media, career links, RTI, contact details, archives and e-version of the paper have been provided. Important notices are featured in the form of a ticker while job highlights, related links, in depth job focus have been also provided to facilitate job-seekers. Users can also subscribe for SMS Job Alerts for getting the updates on their mobile phones. The footer region of the website contains Monthly Highlights, information related to Subscription, tenders, Advertisers corner etc.


The website provides screen reader access and can be viewed in Hindi and English languages. A search button has been provided for easy navigation. The website exhibits high compatibility with all major browsers.

Recent Issues


Jan. ' 25 Issue

Passkeys and WebAuthn: Revolutionizing Authentication with the Passwordless Technology

Passkeys and WebAuthn are revolutionizing digital authentication by eliminating passwords and enhancing security. ...

Building Secure Applications: Cybersecurity Best Practices for Modern Architecture

Applications expose resources to targeted users and potential attackers. A secured architecture is the foundation of ...

Human-Centered AI Design: A Synergy of Design Thinking and Data Science

Human-Centered AI (HCAI) design ensures AI-driven solutions are aligned with human needs, behaviors, and ethics, integrating ...

Oct. ' 24 Issue

Securing CI/CD Pipelines: Addressing the Unique Challenges in DevOps

CI/CD pipelines enable fast software delivery but come with security risks like weak flow control, IAM gaps, and dependency exploits. ...

Mitigating Cybersecurity Misconfigurations: Exploring Common Cybersecurity Misconfigurations and Effective Techniques for Securing Digital Infrast

Cybersecurity landscape is an ever-evolving battleground in this age of rapid digital transformation. Organization ...

AI Powered Cyberattacks:A key technology in enterprise IT toolbox becoming a weapon of cybercriminals

AI-powered cyberattacks leverage AI and ML algorithms and techniques to automate, accelerate, and enhance various phases of ...

Jul. ‘ 24 Issue

Securing Machine Identities with Multi-Factor Authentication: Enhancing Security and Compliance in a Perimeter-less Network Era

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for machine identities adds an extra layer of security by requiring multiple verification ...

Cryptographic Key Management: Balancing Security and Usability in Key Management

The article explores three cryptographic key management approaches: storing keys in application servers, using Hardware ...

Sanstha Aadhaar: Streamlining Institutional Registration and Monitoring

TejasVI transforms data analysis / visualisation for eGovernance through its user-centric design, integrating various ...