Assam on-boards on Jeevan Pramaan Portal

Pensioners in Assam having Aadhaar number can now generate Digital Life Certificate through Jeevan Pramaan.
NIC, Assam had taken the initiative to on board Government of Assam onto the Jeevan Praman Portal developed by NIC. The matter was taken up with the P & PG Department and Government of Assam had issued a letter with a request on 16th July 2021 for on boarding Assam onto the Portal for the benefit of Pensioners across Assam. Pensioners having Aadhaar can upload their DLC through their registered devices for further necessary action by the Pension Disbursal Authorities (PDA). Government of Assam has been listed as the Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA). Recently Government of Assam by its Cabinet Notification instructed all Banks of Assam to accept Digital Life Certificate received through Jeevan Pramaan to reduce the hardship faced by Pensioners. In this connection Government of Assam has given a full page publicity on NIC developed Jeevan Pramaan in leading dailies on 17th November 2021.