Student App e-KrishiPathshala launched in IGKV, Chhattisgarh

In a simple yet glittering online ceremony on 9th November 2020, the android based Student mobile App e-KrishiPathshala has been inaugurated at Indira Gandhi KrishiVishwavidyalay (IGKV), Raipur by the Chief Guest Dr. R.C.Agrawal, Deputy Director General (Agril. Education) ICAR, New Delhi by running a video of unveiling. At IGKV the dignitaries present include Prof. Dr. S.K. Patil, VC, IGKV, Raipur, Dr. A.K.Hota, DDG &SIO, NIC Chhattisgarh and other officials from IGKV and NIC. Principals, Deans and other officials joined virtually and witnessed the function.
The Mobile App has been developed by IGKV and NIC Raipur with a view to facilitate Agriculture university students to carry out learning activities online in the prevailing pandemic times.
Faculty members can upload study material (in Hindi & English), Assignments, video lectures,create examination question papers and fix exam schedule. They can also evaluate assignments and answers and record the marks for each student. They can also respond to student queries.
Students on the other hand can view the video lectures of their courses uploaded by the professors of their college as well as other colleges affiliated to IGKV. They can download assignments, appear for exams online at specified time and upload the answer papers. They can post their queries regarding any topic pertaining to their registered courses and get the responses of the concerned professors. Mock test facility has also been provided to enable students prepare for the examinations.
Prof. (Dr.) S.K.Patil, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor in his address presented an account of good work being undertaken in e-Governance for IGKV with great support of dedicated team of NIC.
The Chief Guest Dr. R.C.Agrawal, DDG(Agril. Education) ICAR,while congratulating the IGKV and NIC for the brilliant work, expressed confidence that the Mobile Application could go a long way towards not only offering a new learning experience to students but also adding to the efficiency of faculty.
Dr. Ashok Kumar Hota, DDG & SIO, Chhattisgarh in his address expressed happiness that IGKV, Raipur has been undertaking good initiative in all important Agriculture and asserted that on behalf of NIC it is being planned to augment this application with Artificial Intelligence by incorporating techniques like Face Recognition, eye ball movement recognition to detect malpractices in examinations etc.
The mobile App e-KrishiPathshala has been developed by the team lead Mr.Abhijeet Kaushik, Scientist-C, NIC cell IGKV. Mr. Y.V.Sreenivasa Rao, Scientist-F, NICCGSU is the project coordinator.