DDG, NIC, interacts with officials of NIC Assam State Centre

Shri D.C. Misra, Deputy Director General, NIC, made a two-day visit to Guwahati on 9th August 2019, and he, along with the State Informatics Officer & other officials of NIC Assam, met Shri Alok Kumar, Chief Secretary and Shri Rajiv Bora, Additional Chief Secretary (Finance). In the meeting with Shri Alok Kumar, he emphasized the need to implement the Integrated Financial Management Systems (IFMS) for Assam. He also informed that IFMS of Haryana or Rajasthan, which are fully mature and successfully implemented systems, may be adopted by the Finance Department, Government of Assam. He also highlighted that in July 2018, study visits were undertaken by a joint team of officers from the State Finance Department and NIC Assam to Chandigarh and Jaipur to study IFMS of Haryana and Rajasthan.
Shri D.C. Misra thanked the Chief Secretary for the allotment of land for the Regional Data Centre and apprised him of the present status of work on the Centre.
On the next day, a review meeting of all NIC Assam State Centre officials was held by Shri D.C. Misra in which he took stock of the work and projects of each Division and Group of the State Centre. He advised on different aspects of the work being done and emphasized that the duplication of software development work should be avoided. He requested all to first try and identify existing NIC software anywhere in the country and customize and replicate them to meet the requirements of the State. He also suggested the possible customization of the software developed by Himachal Pradesh for filing online applications and conducting of civil services examinations.
The DDG also underlined the need to realize the value of data that resides with NIC and urged all project coordinators to ensure data security and safety. He said that each NIC official should take responsibility of data related to their projects. He recommended the use of data analytics and machine learning to identify new patterns and information which could be useful for user departments.
The DDG advised the Land Records Group to work towards the creation of Unique IDs to each land parcel of the State based on the latitude/longitude of the plot. He urged that a proactive approach needs to be taken by NIC officials as far as State Departments are concerned. Shri D.C. Misra showed keen interest in the Maternal Mortality Project undertaken by the Digital India intern with the support and guidance of NIC Assam team and wished to have a detailed demonstration of the project.