Training cum Awareness Programs Organised on Mobile Apps and Vahan 4.0 Software by NIC Mandi

The NIC District Unit, Mandi organised two training-cum-Awareness Workshops at Deputy Commissioner office Mandi on Mobile Applications and web-enabled Vahan, Saarthi software on 7th and 8th of June 2017 in the NIC District Unit, Mandi at DC office.
Sh. Akhilesh Bharti, DIO Mandi shared the details of various Mobile Apps developed by the NIC Competency Centre for Mobile Applications in the Monthly Revenue Officers meeting. Besides creating awareness about the already developed mobile app and how best to use these, the focus of training was the Shresth Himachal mobile App which is currently under testing phase. Sh. Bharti informed the senior administrative officers about various GIS based features of this mobile app and how they can monitor the citizen reported issues along with passing of necessary instructions to concerned departmental officials.
Sh. Ashwani Kumar, ADIO Mandi organised a small training for the officials of the Registering and License Authority officials on how to use the web-enabled Vahan software. While the web-enabled Saarthi 4.0 software has been implemented in all RLA and RTO offices in Himachal Pradesh ahead of other States, the Vahan 4.0 software has been implemented in some RLA, RTO offices and is under implementation in remain offices. The DIOs and ADIOs are working towards achieving its full implementation in the State.