Training on the Implementation of the software developed for Forest Rights Act at NIC-SDU Pune
Punam Gupta, Maharashtrapunam[at]nic[dot]in
| Jan 2, 2009
(Dr. A. K. Jha Commissioner Tribal Research & Training Institute Pune)
One day training was organized at NIC-SDU Pune on 18th December 2008 for forms entry in the web based software developed by NIC(HQ) . The training was inaugurated by Dr. A.K. Jha , Commissioner , Tribal Development Department , Pune. About 30 participants from the District Collectorates attended the Training . Shri B.R. Parihar, Joint Director TRTI briefed the participant about the Forest Rights Act. Ms . P.V. Kamat , Sr. Technical Director & HOD , Sh. Praveen Rao , SSA were present for the session. Shri Sanjay G Kulkarni , PSA explained the participants in using the software . The hands on session was given to the participants . Ms .Dhanlaxmi Soma & Ms. Anupama Kodam , contract programmers TRTI assisted in conducting the hands on session .