Haryana: DIO, YamunaNagar received National Award of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna
DIO YamunaNagar Sh. Ramesh Gupta received National Award for outstanding individual contribution in programme implementation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY). Yamuna Nagar was the first district to implement RSBY in Feb 2008. Since then RSBY scheme has been running successfully in District Yamuna Nagar. Mr. Ramesh Gupta DIO, YamunaNagar was made State level project coordinator for facilitating state wide roll out of RSBY. DIO, YamunaNagar has been providing active implementation support and capacity Building for roll-out of RSBY in other districts of Haryana.NIC Yamuna Nagar has also been involved to extend support to other states like Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, UT Chandigarh and Punjab.