Schools Safety Mobile App Wins "m-Governance Initiative of the Year Award 2024"

Schools Safety Mobile App Developed By NIC Himachal Pradesh Wins m-Governance Initiative of the Year Award 2024. The award was received during the "15th National Digital Transformation Conclave & Awards 2024" organized by GovConnect at Vivanta The Taj, Guwahati on 13 December, 2024.
In order to ensure safety of all children, teachers and other stakeholders in school community from any kind of risks due to natural disasters, Schools Safety MIS App is developed by NIC, Himachal Pradesh for Himachal Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) to comply with the National School Safety Policy Guidelines. This app is available on both Android and iOS platforms and it facilitates all the schools of the State in preparing the annual Disaster Management Plan (DMP). The Disaster Management Plan is automatically prepared by this app as per the data entered on the routine bases by the schools in the available template. This mobile app is also amply supplemented by the School Safety MIS web application.
The Nodal Officer of every school logs into the School Safety mobile app and enters requisite information in the standard template to prepare and submit the plan. The DMP is prepared by the schools whereas the State, District and Block level authorities can monitor the progress of the preparation of DMPs as well as the disaster preparedness of the schools under their jurisdiction.
To maintain the uniqueness and compatibility, the Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) Codes are used by the schools as User IDs for logging into both web and mobile applications. A role-based, drill-down dashboard is also provided to all the authorities for online monitoring of the various stages of the DMPs at the school level.
Since 01-April-2023, 24237 DMPs have been prepared and submitted by the schools using this app. Based on the performance of schools for preparation of the DMPs and disaster preparedness, ranking is also done by the Himachal Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority using this app and top performing schools are awarded every year.