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Inauguration of Vehicle Location Tracking & Emergency Alert System in Mizoram

Lalhmachhuani, Mizoram chhuani[at]nic[dot]in
  |   Sep 20, 2023

The Hon’ble Transport Minister of State Shri TJ Lalnuntluanga as a Chief Guest inaugurated Vehicle Location Tracking & Emergency Alert System (VLT & EAS) on 15th Septermber, 2023 at Vehicle Location Tracking Sytem (VLTS) Command and Control Centre, Directorate of Transport, Aizawl, Mizoram. Delivering his inaugural speech, the Hon’ble Minister said that installing emergency button and tracking system in public service vehicle is a great achievement for the State in a step to provide safety to women and children. He expressed his gratitude towards the State Transport Department and NIC and shared his appreciation for the team involves for achieving the milestone. He mentioned that this system will allow drivers of passenger vehicle to be more cautious and that is going to fabricate more security and safety for passengers. He also said that police officials will be helped immensely by the system in finding and investigating offenders.

The Director of Transport Department Shri Er. R. Lalrammawia highlighted that the good coordination between NIC and Transport Department has bear fruitful which led to achieving another milestone. He thanked the collective effort made by NICSI, NIC, Transport Department and also Project Implementing Unit (PIU) in contributing to the implementation of the project in the State. He has heaped praise on NICSI and NIC team for allowing local purchases of several hardwares and furnitures needed for setting up of Command and Control Centre (CCC).


The main objectives of the project such as improving safety for women and children, real-time identification of vehicle and its location for immediate response, setting up monitoring centre for tracking as well health check of the VLT device and emergency buttons and integration of the system with ERSS for quick response in case of emergency were briefed to the guests. It was also mentioned during the funtion that Transport Department had issued a notification on 22nd August, 2023 to all public service vehicle dealers that no passenger carrying vehicle shall be registered in the State of Mizoram if the vehicles are not equipped with or fitted with VLT device and one or more emergengy button, which is in compliance with CMVR, 1989 from the date of issue of the notification. And in case of old vehicles, passenger carrying vehicle owners or the authorized dealer of the vehicle shall have to ensure that their vehicles which were manufactured on or after 1st January, 2019 are equipped with activated VLT device and one or more emergency buttons from any of the VLT device manufacturers or its authorized vendors approved by Ministry of Road, Transport & Highways, Government of India within 12 months from the date of issue of the notification. And that District Transport Officers will check the fitment and functional status of the VLT device at the time of re-registration / permit issuance or renewal / fitness checking of the vehicle.



Technical Report regarding VLT & EAS was presented by Transport Project Coordinator Smt C. Lalmuanawmi, Scientist-C, NIC. In her presentation, she reiterated the unfortunate and horrific event which was later known as “Nirbhaya Case” that occured on 16 December 2012 to a girl while she was travelling in a bus in South Delhi. She mentioned that due to this horrific incident, the Govt. of India is of the opinion that it is necessary to do in the public interest to notify standards in respect of equipping or fitment of vehicle location tracking device and emergency button in all public service vehicles. It was also mentioned that all public service vehicles except two wheeler taxi and three wheeler (auto-rickshaw) registered on or after 1st January 2019 must be fitted with Vehicle Location Tracking Device and Emergency Buttons. She informed the gathering that 15 manpower were deployed under NICSI (National Informatics Centre Service Inc.) for the implementation of the project and that Command and Control Centre will be working 24 hrs a day everyday.

The function was attended by Aizawl SP Traffic, a few guests attended from public service vehicle association, news and media persons and also several invitees. The inaugural programme was chaired by Shri R. Lalchhanhima, Addl. Secretary, Transport Dept. and Er. R. Lalrammawia, Director of Transport closed the function with Vote of Thanks.


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