Successful publishing of Examination results of Class X (HSLC) of SEBA by NIC Assam

NIC Assam State Centre has been supporting the Government of Assam for last 13 years in publishing the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) Examination results on the website Examination results conducted by SEBA are published on the Web every year. NIC Assam’s effort towards successful publishing of results has been well covered by State and National Media.
To streamline result generation and declaration processes in a single, consolidated platform, and notify candidates instantly to drive faster conversions and better experiences, NIC Assam published the results successfully through the website hosted in NIC Assam Cloud Servers.
Over 4 (Four) Lakh candidates appeared in the Class X (HSLC) Examination this year 2023. The website recorded a huge number of visitors of more than 12,000 hits per minute during the peak hour immediately after the release of the results on the website. Over 17 Lakh visitors checked and obtained their HSLC results through NIC Assam website which delivered flawless and seamless dissemination of result information.
Website URL:
NIC Assam Team:
- Ms. Kabita Roy Das, DDG & SIO
- Ms. Hiranmayee Goswami, Scientist F
- Sh. Ajit Bhattacharyya, Scientist E
- Sh Himangshu Baishya, Sr. Programmer