Hon'ble Revenue Minister, Himachal Pradesh Launches Roznamcha Software in District Mandi

Sh. Mahender Singh Thakur, Hon'ble Revenue Minister, Himachal Pradesh launched the Roznamcha Management System software in District Mandi on 17th August 2020. Roznamcha is a diary of daily incidents maintained by the Patwari, who is the grass-root revenue officer in Revenue Administration, under executive instructions issued from time to time. The Patwari makes an entry for each day mentioning briefly about the incidents happened in his area.
Sh. Ramswaroop Sharma, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Mandi and Hon’ble Members of Ligislative Assembly from Balh, Nachan, Joginernagar, Karsog and Drang constituencies were present during the inaugural function. The district level officers were also present on the occasion.
Sh. Rugved Milind Thakur, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Mandi highlighted the software features as most of the planning and decisions are taken on the basis of these reports submitted by the Patwaris. Roznamcha is the source document for such reports. The software primarily focuses on capturing the data related to the Roznamcha of Patwari. The application records all major activities or events happened in the Patwar circle area. Once the data is updated in the application the real-time reports will be available to Tehsildars – SDMs – District Authorities and State Level Authorities. This will help the government to take the quick decisions on the basis of real-time reports.
Apart from these daily report of e-governance activities (like issuance of online certificates, driving licenses, vehicle registration etc.) taken up by the Tehsils and Subdivision will also be entered in the application. Urgent matters sent for report to the subordinate offices will also be monitored through this application.
The Roznamcha software has been developed by NIC Mandi at District level and the contribution of Sh. Akhilesh Bharti, DIO and Sh. Sukhdip Singh, DIA needs special mention as they have been doing software development for the State at District level. Once the software is properly implemented in District Mandi, it will be replicated in other Districts too.