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Launching of website of Directorate of Fisheries, Odisha (

A. K. Hota, Odisha ak[dot]hota[at]nic[dot]in
  |   Feb 4, 2020
Dignitaries on the Dais
Dignitaries on the Dais

Participants on the occasion
Participants on the occasion

The website of Directorate of Fisheries, Odisha was launched in the mega event of “KRUSHI ODISHA 2020” at Bhubaneswar by Dr. Arun Kumar Sahoo, Hon’ble Minister, Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Fisheries & ARD and Higher Education on 24.01.2020.

The dignitaries present during the inauguration include Sri R. Raghu Prasad, IFS, Comm.-cum-Secy. Fisheries & ARD Deptt., Dr. M. Muthukumar, IAS, Director, Agriculture & F.P., Odisha, Sri Ratnakar Rout, IAS, Director A.H. V.S. and Dr. N. Tirumala Naik, IAS, Director Fisheries, Odisha.

The portal designed, developed and hosted by NIC Bhubaneswar will facilitate and extend the services to the beneficiaries, SHGs, private entrepreneurs and general public.

Content Elements in the website include

    * About the Directorate, Organogram & Telephone Directory

    * Resource & Potentials of the Directory

    * Various Schemes, Guidelines and Beneficiary list of schemes under Fresh water, Brackish water and marine sector

    * Act Rules and policies of the Directorate

    * Various Forms for beneficiary to avail schemes

    * Annual Activity Report & Budget of the Directorate

    * RTI Acts, Rules and authority details

    * Notice, Advertisement & Tenders of the Directorate

    * Publications of the Directorate

    * Success Story, Farmers Handbook, Fair & Exhibitions

    * Directorate Statistics, Citizen Charter

    * Video & Photo Gallery

    * Links to other Govt. Departments/ Societies

    * e-reporting system  etc.

The site is designed and developed under the guidance of Nodal Officer of this project Sri Prakash Ku. Mishra, Scientist-E, NIC, Bhubaneswar.


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