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Visit of Shri Sanjay Dhotre, Hon'ble Minister of State, Human Resource Development, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology to NIC State Centre

A. K. Hota, Odisha ak[dot]hota[at]nic[dot]in
  |   Jan 17, 2020
Address by Honourable Minister
Address by Honourable Minister

Receiving Honourable Minister
Receiving Honourable Minister

The visit of Shri Sanjay Dhotre, Hon'ble Minister of State to NIC State Centre was scheduled at 11.00 am of 16th January 2020.

Dr. Siba Charan Pradhan, DDG & Head, NDC, Bhubaneswar received and accompanied him from the State Guest House, Bhubaneswar to NIC State Centre.

Hon’ble Minister took a complete tour of NDC Bhubaneshwar facilities. Hon’ble Minister joined at the NOC for detailed presentation.

Dr. S.C. Pradhan, DDG & Head NDC, Bhubaneswar presented on the NDC journey so far. He briefed on ICT Architecture, Physical Infrastructure, Service Catalogue and Cloud initiatives.

Detailed presentation on Physical Infrastructure was delivered by Shri C. R. Kanungo, Sr. Technical Director followed by presentation on Service Catalogue and Cloud initiatives by Shri S. K. Mohakul, Sr. Technical Director.

Smt. Pratibha Singh, DDG & SIO, Odisha delivered a brief presentation on various projects being developed / implemented across different domains in the state. Hon’ble Minister took keen interest on achievements of different projects and desired to know the statistical outcomes of benefits from implementing s/w solutions.

Then Hon’ble Minister was greeted by senior officers at the Conference Hall. He was welcomed with the sapling that symbolises the growth and prosperity. A token of respect was offered on behalf of NIC, Odisha.

Honbl’e Minister delivered his address on the occasion and expressed that he is happy to see the development which is beyond his expectation. He appreciated the measures of security undertaken at NDC. He wished that all our applications should meet the expectations of common citizen. Governance process reengineering need to be taken up to smoothen the service delivery system. He advised that Impact assessment of different projects may be carried out to highlight the success factors of different initiatives.

Ms. Shalini Mathrani, DDG & HOG - National Data Centre and State Coordinator of Odisha, and Ms. Alka Mishra, DDG& HOG - Open Data Technology, Cloud and Web Technology were present on the occasion and coordinated for smooth functioning of the programme.

Hon’ble Minister addressed the Media and highlighted status of broadband connectivity in villages, and functioning of Postal Banks and other activities of MeitY. Hon’ble Minister moved to visit the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) Cuttack, Odisha.

Earlier Smt. Pratibha Singh, DDG & SIO had received Hon’ble Minister at Bhubaneswar airport on 15th January 2020 evening and invited him to visit NIC, Bhubaneswar. All Officers of NIC, Odisha joined on 16th January at NIC Campus to receive the Hon’ble Minister. 

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