District Level Training on ERONET held at Cuttack, Odisha

A district level training programme on ERONET for all the EROs / AEROs / Supervisors / Data Entry Operators of Cuttack district was held in the Conference Hall, Collectorate, Cuttack on 23rd October, 2017 in 03 batches. 204 numbers of participants from the following Offices have attended the training,
1. Office of the Sub-Collector, Cuttack Sadar, Athagarh, Banki
2. Office of the Block Development Officer of all the 14 Blocks
3. All the 04 Urban Local Bodies
4. Officials assigned as Supervisors
5. Data Entry Operators
Shri Raghuram R. Iyer, OAS (S), Addl. District Magistrate (Revenue), Cuttack highlighted various aspects and functionalities of ERONET. He emphasized importance of ERONET in Electoral Roll management and also participated in the training programme.
The technical session was conducted by Ms. Mamata Khamari, DIO, NIC-District Centre, Cuttack with support of Ms. Itishree Nanda, ADIO.
Giving a detailed presentation Ms. Mamata Khamari explained role of all four users i.e. Operator, Supervisor, AERO and ERO in detail in seamless processing of forms and simple way of monitoring the Electoral Roll activities.
The Technical session was followed by interactive open house discussion to clear doubts of the participants. District administration highly appreciated the role of NIC, Cuttack for successfully conducting the training programme.
The Sessions ended with a vote of thanks by Ms. Priyanka Mallick, Asst. Collector(Election), Collectorate, Cuttack.
Reported by:
Mamata Khamari, DIO
NIC-District Centre, Cuttack, Odisha