Haryana:- Launching Swarn Jyanti Sanjhi Cycle Project by Honourable Food & Civil Supply Minister Haryana Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj at Kurukshetra on 12-06-17

To decrease the pollution and save the environment, District administration, Kurukshetra with support of National Informatics Centre, Kurukshetra has initiated the program to provide the cycle service to the citizens of the district. The project was launched by Hon’ble Food & Civil Supply Minister Haryana Sh. Karan Dev Kamboj at Kurukshetra on 12/06/2017.
In this program, the applicant has to fill up the registration form along with the ID proof and Amount of Rs200 (Card fee Rs 100 + wallet amount Rs 100). After which the RF ID card will be given to the applicant. Using this card, the cardholder can swipe the card on the machine at any of the cycle stand across the city and collect his cycle for his use. First 2 hours will be free. After which amount Rs 5 per hour will be deducted from the wallet. Initially this facility will be start from 7 Cycle Stands and will be further extended to 20 Cycle Stands.
NIC has played a central role in Conceptualization, Planning, Finalization of Terms and Condition for District Administration, Finalization of Cycle Stands in the city Kurukshetra, Identification / setup of Registration Counter for Issuing of card, Tie up with vendor For issuing of RFCard and Designing of Webpage.