GIGW Workshop
Orientation Cum Training Programme on GIGW Held
A two day comprehensive workshop of NIC officials on GIGW (Guidelines for Indian Government websites) was held on the 19-20th Jan. 2011 at Secretariat Jaipur. More than seventy NIC officer's from the district and the state unit participated in the event. The event was formally inaugurated by Mr. Sanjay Malhotra IAS, Secretary to the Government of Rajasthan ,IT & C . He emphasized the need for such orientation which would ensure the quality content of the websites . SIO Rajasthan Smt. Indu Gupta delivering the key note on website accessibility issues also briefed the participants about the different aspects of GIGW.
Different sessions on the related subjects like :Government Branding, Scope and Quality content, website policies: :management, hosting and promotion, website design and development, demonstration of developer tools like Firebug, AIS Toolbar, TML Tidy ,JAWS etc followed by question answer sessions were conducted by Shashi Kant Pande from NIC HQ and his team. A few district websites were also scanned on the occasion . The participation an feedback of the NIC officials was very encouraging . Later sessions on Web Application Security Audit by Lalit Goyal PSA and the implementation of SUGAM were also held by STD Tarun Toshniwal. Event coordinator STD K.L. Jawaria thanked the participants on the occasion. A similar workshop cum orientation programme was also held previously to sensitize the state government officials from the Department of IT & C , Government of Rajasthan at Yojana Bhawan Jaipur on the 11/11/10. More than 110 nodal officers for the websites and technical officers had then participated in the event.