State level workshop on PYKKA by NIC Punjab

A four-day state level workshop on Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) was organized at Mahatama Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration (MGSIPA) Chandigarh on 21st to 24th December 2009 by Department of Sports Govt of Punjab with the support of NIC HQs and NIC Punjab.
The workshop was inaugurated by Padam Shree & Arjuna Awardee Pargat Singh, renowned international hockey player and Director Sports Punjab and was attended by Sh Navneet Kukreja, SIO Punjab, Sh.Rajiv Goel PSA NIC HQs, Sh.S.L.Lotte Asstt Director(Sports), Sh.Vikram Jeet Grover, TD, Sh.Rakesh Sharma OSD(Sports) and Sh.Sanjay Puri, SSA.
Director (Sports) gave insight into the relevance of the scheme and highlighted the benefit of automating the workflow for better management and monitoring. SIO Punjab emphasized on the advantages of adoption of web-based system and urged the participants for speedier implementation of PYKKA application to make it a success in Punjab.
Participants from the districts from all over the state and from state HQs office attended the workshop. Shri Rajiv Goel, PSA from NIC HQS and Sh.Sanjay Puri, SSA NIC Punjab conducted the workshop.
The objective of the workshop was to make the officials of Department of Sports, aware about PYKKA scheme and train them in using PYKKA web application. The workshop was conducted in two batches of departmental officials separately for two days each. In total, 40 (forty) participants attended the workshop. The first half of the day of workshop was devoted to the presentations on PYKKA by Sh.Rajiv Goel. The entire work flow of PYKKA covering all the sub-modules from masters creation, project proposal submission, Committees formation, Competition registration, participants details entry etc, was explained to the participants. The hands on session provided real time experience for the participants on online PYKKA application. The queries of the participants were addressed to in different sessions and feedback of the participants was also obtained at the end of the workshop.