Haryana: Workshop cum Operational Training Programme of AwaasSoft (IAY MIS)
One Workshop cum Operational Training Programme of AwaasSoft (IAY MIS) for all 21 districts of Haryana has been conducted by NIC Haryana at Haryana Institute of Rural Development, Nilokheri, Haryana. Training was done in two batches (14 - 15 November 2011 and 16 - 17 November 2011) of 2 days each. In all 66 participants comprised of one Data Entry Operator/ Computer Clerk and other person dealing with IAY scheme from each DRDA attended the training. Some Block level officials also attended the training.
Training was imparted by Sh. Neeraj Singhal, Scientist C from NIC Haryana and Sh. Sandeep Wahi from State Rural Development Department. During training, total workflow of system was explained. Participants entered actual data on the site during hands on session. Participants submitted a list of suggestions that required to be incorporated in software for better implementation of software.
Director, HIRD distributed certificates of participation to all the trainees.