Enterprises Architecture (EA) enabling Integrated e-Governance solution. NIC, Bhubaneswar Organised Tech-Bootcamp on EA and IndEA Framew

The Tech-Bootcamp on Enterprises Architecture and IndEA Framework was organised on 9th February 2023 for senior officers of government at National Informatics Centre, Bhubaneswar. Inaugurating the workshop Shri BhaskarJyoti Sharma, IAS, Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Social Security and Empowerment of persons with Disabilities Department highlighted the importance Enterprise level thinking at governance level. He added that, the e-governance solutions are being developed in silos and the interoperability need to be expressed not only within the department but also needs to transcend beyond with appropriate vision, goals and objectives. Enterprise framework is an established way which calls for comprehensive study of the system and prepares e-Governance solution (including Data, Applications, Technology, and Security etc.) in order to ensure the resilience of the system to meet ever growing public expectation, complexity of Government processes and dynamic business requirement with optimum cost.
Dr. P. Gayatri, Senior Director (IT) and Head of CollabFiles and Enterprise Architecture Resource Division, NIC, Hyderabad informed that NIC has taken substantial lead in developing and preparation of these Enterprise artefacts. Some of the initiatives include designing of Architectural Frame work like UEAF (University Enterprise Architecture Framework involving 107 universities), PSC-EAF (Public Service Commission-Enterprise Architecture) for Himachal Pradesh, Digital NIC Architecture, MDWS EAF (Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation Enterprise Architecture), Document Registration System (DRS-EAF), Pune and contribution in Land Hub Enterprise Architecture (LHEAP) module of ePragati, with the recent one being development of State Enterprise Architecture for Meghalaya Government etc.
Interacting with participants, Ms. Vishakha Satish Gorwade , Director(IT), Maharashtra informed that NIC has designed a training module for Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNNA) on Enterprise Architecture. She also presented on CollabFiles- an indigenous Platform to connect, create, share & collaborate on office documents.
More than 60 officers from different departments participated in the workshop. Dr. Ashok Kumar Hota, Deputy Director General (Training Division), NIC Odisha delivering welcoming address wished that this Tech-Bootcamp would certainly give us a clear understanding on various aspects of the Enterprises Architecture and how from Government of Odisha point of view and also other stakeholders point of view we can proceed towards this framework adoption.
Offering Vote of Thanks Smt. Kabita Roy Das, DDG & State Informatics Officer wished for guidance and initiative from all concerned for improvement in eGovernment index and to expedite and facilitate while bringing greater cohesion among selected departments with integrated processes with technology as the enabler for Government objectives having performance based progress under the ambit of 5T mandate of Government.