Honorable Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh, launches Mobile App for Drug Free Himachal

Shri Jai Ram Thakur, Honorable Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh, launched Drug Free Himachal Mobile Application in Shimla on 30th June 2019. The Mobile App has been developed for the Narcotics Division of Himachal Pradesh Police by the NIC Himachal Pradesh Competency Centre for Mobile Application Development, Shimla.
Shri S.R. Mardi, Director General of Police, ADGPs and other Senior Officers of the Police Department were present on the occasion. Shri Prithvi Raj, Scientist-B, NIC HP, briefed participants about functionalities of the Mobile App.
The citizen version of the Mobile App is available on both Android and Apple platforms, while the official user version is restricted and not available on either of the play stores. Citizens can view advisories for students, parents, teachers and how to identify drug users, besides information related to drug-de-additional centres.
Citizens can send information about drugs transportation, storage, sale, usage etc., to the Narcotics Division of HP Police confidentially without revealing their name, contact, phone etc. This information will be processed by the Narcotics Division of HP Police and shared with the concerned District Police Officers for investigation and taking further action in matters reported through the Mobile App.