Page 7 - Informatics, January 2023
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From the States

          covered under the ambit of the Assam Public Pro-  such  as  registrations,  driving  licences,  permits,
          curement Act, 2017.                enforcement, pollution control,  accident  man-
           The  portal  is  developed  by  NIC  Assam  in   agement, etc. through its software application   IC  Assam  has  been  integral  to
          collaboration with NIC  Chennai  and  NIC  Delhi   solutions such as Vahan & Sarathi, eChallan, Vir-  Nthe digitalization of Assam. In
          Headquarters and aggregates tender related data   tual Courts, eDar and PUCC across the State. It is   most spheres of IT activities of the
          from Government eProcurement Assam (GePNIC),   the first state to implement e-Detailed Accident   Government of  Assam,  NIC’s  Projects
          Government eMarketplace (GeM), and Pradhan   Report (eDAR) and Speed Limiting Device to aug-  have  played  a  major  role.  Whenever
          Mantri Grameen Sadak Yojana Portal using APIs.  ment road safety. The state also leads the country   the Assam Government has needed IT
                                             in implementation of Aadhaar-based contactless   support,  NIC  has  been  exceptionally
          Jal Tarangini                      services. As of now, the State Transport Depart-  responsive and has risen to the challenge
           Jal Tarangini is an Internet of Things (IoT)-  ment offers 45 contactless services.  successfully. The Assam  Government
          based platform developed with the objective of                            has always had a positive engagement
          automating the conventional river gauge into a  Integrated Land Revenue   with NIC and NIC has always been a part
          modern river water level monitoring system. It  Management System (ILRMS)  of the IT ecosystem
          offers a low cost, portable, energy-efficient, and   (  in  the  State.  We
          reliable system that can continuously collect data   Assam is the one of the first states to have   look  forward  to
          from remote locations and relays it to a cloud-  taken a major stride towards eGovernance in the   the  continuing  IT
          based infrastructure to monitor, process, and   management of Land Records processes by imple-  partnership  with
          analyse.                           menting the ILRMS system in the state. It added   NIC Assam.
           Jal tarangani was first tested in Chirang District   a much needed layer of transparency, efficiency,
          for monitoring the water level of the Aie river.   and accountability to the system. The system de-
          Based  on  the  experience  gained  during  the   livers the entire range of citizen services to users
          testing a refined model has been developed with   through ARTPS Portal. This was only achieved with
          financial support from the Assam State Disaster   combined efforts from NIC ILRMS Team and Reve-
          Management Authority (ASDMA). The new iteration   nue and Disaster Management Department, Gov-  Paban Kumar Borthakur, IAS
          was deployed at the bank of river Brahmaputra   ernment of Assam. At present, these services are
          in Dibrugarh district in May 2022 for PoC. ASDMA   operational for 25 districts:   Chief Secretary, Assam
          is now in the process of replicating this model
          across various river locations in the state, based   •  Dharitree: facilitates online updation of Land
          on the successful outcomes.        Records and streamlines RoR data    the State Government to its citizens and other
          eHospital                          •  NOC: issues No Objection Certificate for transfer   stakeholders. It aspires to be a comprehensive,
                                                                                 accurate, and reliable source of information on
                                             of immovable property
          connecting the patients, hospitals, other health- •  e-Panjeeyan / NGDRS: reduces waiting time   Assam and its many facets.
           eHospital is a one-stop system which helps in
          care service providers and doctors on a single   for deed registration by auto calculating the  eGRAS Assam
          digital platform. It is a cloud-enabled and web-  eStamping fees and scanning of documents and   (
          based Health Level Seven International (HL7)   biometric inputs          eGRAS (electronic Government Receipt Ac-
          compliant application available through Software                       counting System) is an online system that facil-
          as a Service (SaaS) model for managing health-  ePrastuti              itates creation of eChallan and online payment
          care service delivery in government hospitals   (  by citizens anywhere, anytime. It also takes care
          across the country.                  ePrastuti is a web framework developed by   of the accounting needs of the State Government
           In  Assam,  the  system is implemented  across   the State Centre for the Government of Assam in   for government receipts. The revenue received
          one urban and 23 district hospitals. Further, it is   order to establish a uniform identity across state   through the system is first pooled in the partici-
          aimed to implement the system across 14 more   government websites. Currently, there are 212 de-  pating banks and then transferred by them to the
          hospitals covering 12 districts by January 2023.  partmental and 29 district websites running under   Consolidated Fund of Assam maintained by RBI.
                                             ePrastuti.                          It functions along with e-Scroll to RBI and Virtual
          eTransport                           Assam State Portal  ( is   Treasury (VT).
           Assam is one of the best performing states in   also using the ePrastuti framework.  The portal   As of now, eGRAS Assam has been integrated
          terms of transport computerization. The State   aims to  provide  a single  window  access  to the   with major state departmental portals for online
          Centre helps in managing all eTransport services   information  and  services  being  provided  by   payment  and  generation  of  eChallan.  Further,
                                                                                 state departments without portals have been
              Fig. 1.4: Jaltarangini – a flood forecasting and early warning system developed by NIC Assam – being   directly boarded to the system. It was originally
              tested in the Brahmaputra River in Dibrugarh.
                                                                                 developed by the NIC Pune Centre and has been
                                                                                 greatly enhanced with many additional features
                                                                                 to meet the specific requirements of the state.
                                                                                   eGRAS Assam has also been replicated in
                                                                                 Arunachal Pradesh, with full ongoing support
                                                                                 from NIC Assam. Till December 2022, 48.56 lakhs
                                                                                 eChallans have been issued through eGRAS,
                                                                                 earning  revenue  of  ₹35,640  crores  for  the  State
                                                                                   Government e-Procurement System of NIC (Ge-
                                                                                 PNIC) is a centralised online solution to conduct
                                                                                 all stages of the procurement process. The solu-
                                                                                 tion is running successfully across India for both
                                                                                 Central and State Government organisations.

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