Page 10 - Informatics, January 2023
P. 10

From the States
         From the S tates

          Chandigarh UT

          Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to

          Every Citizen

          Edited by MUKESH KUMAR RALLI

            ocated in the foothills of the Shiwalik Hills,                       UT Administration, the UT Centre is also committed
            Chandigarh is best-known for its modern                              to providing G2C and G2E digital services, directly
         Larchitecture and urban planning. The better   NIC Chandigarh UT Centre has been   at the fingertips of the UT residents. It has actively
          living conditions and grass root level internet                        participated in the entire process of designing,
          connectivity of the Union Territory (UT) has   instrumental in narrowing the ever-  developing, and deploying these services for the
          attracted talents from neighbouring states   widening gap between Government   benefit of the public.
          like Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and                               Some of the key projects undertaken by the UT
          Uttarakhand and made the City Beautiful as one   and  Citizens  by  providing  the   Centre include GePNIC, Jeevan Pramaan, Aadhaar
          of the emerging IT destination in the country.                         Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS),
                                               efficient and assessable citizen-
          Overview                                                               Medico Legal Examination and Post Mortem
                                                                                 Reporting (MedLEaPR), etc.
           NIC Chandigarh UT Centre has a very enriching   centric digital solutions.  These
          and fulfilling journey. It has reached new heights   solutions are not only making lives   ICT Initiatives in the UT
          with each new challenge. Since its inception, it
          has played a crucial role in fostering ICT culture   of citizens easier by taking services   Direct Benefit Transfer under
          in the UT by undertaking several significant   to  their doorsteps,  but  have also   National Food Security Act
          eGovernance projects.                                                    The UT Centre implemented ePDS system for
           The UT Centre first began its operation in the   made the administration swift,   Direct Bank Transfer in lieu of food grains subsidy
          region  from the  Office of  Chandigarh  Deputy   responsive, transparent, hassle-free   in Chandigarh. The system has replaced the Fair
          Commissioner in 1990. Later, in response                               Price Shops (FPSs) in the region. It is a web-based
          to growing demands for its digital services,   and easily accessible.  multilingual ration card management system
          it established its stand-alone office in the                           that provides faceless services for applying
                                                                                 and updating Ration Cards, made available to
                                                                                 beneficiaries covered in National Food Security
                                                                                 Act.  The  system directly transfers  food subsidy
                                                                                 into the Aadhar linked bank account of head of
                                             Chandigarh Administration Secretariat Building   family  as  per  entitlement,  on  a  monthly  basis.
                       Ramesh Kumar Gupta    in 1993. As of now, almost two decades later, the   Food subsidy of ₹ 417,51,524 has been transferred
                       Dy. Director General & SIO
                UT Centre has massively scaled its offerings with a   to 2,95,884 members of 68009 Priority Households
                                             Software Development Centre, Network and Data   (PHH) families and 763 Antodya Anna Yojana (AAY)
                                             Centre, SWAN State Headquarters, and NKN Point   families for the month of  December 2022.
                                             of Presence.
                                               With its newly launched Mini Cloud Centre in   One Nation One Ration Card Scheme
                                             2022, it has practically extended its network and   One Nation One Ration Card (ONORC) scheme
                       Pratibha Singh        infrastructure offerings to each and every user   was started in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to
                       Sr. Technical Director   department which can make full use of them. It   help economically weaker migrant workers and
               also offers these services to neighbouring states   their families. As of now, a total of 122 migrant
                                             including Haryana, and Punjab.      families of 425 members have been enrolled
                                               Furthermore, in collaboration with Chandigarh   under the scheme in Chandigarh.

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