Page 5 - Informatics, January 2023
P. 5

From the States

          Rights to village property owners has also been
          implemented. As of now, 96.48% of non-cadastral
          villages have  been  surveyed  and  36.86%  non-  igital transformation for improving the quality of lives has been one of the cornerstones
          cadastral villages have been re-surveyed under   Dof  our  system  of  governance.  Taking  inspiration  from  Hon’ble  Prime  Minister  Shri
          this scheme.                           Narendra  Modiji’s  ‘Digital  India  Programme’  for  transforming  India  into  a  digitally
                                                 empowered society and knowledged economy, we have endeavoured for empowering our
          Project Sadbhavana                     people especially the youth digitally. We took several initiatives and created a system to
          (     meet the needs of the people so that they may have fair reach and access to government
           In an effort to provide responsive administration   services digitally.
          to the citizens, the State Government initiated   In this mission, NIC Assam has made immense contribution towards bridging the
          Project Sadbhavana to clear pending cases   digital divide in Assam and promoting Governance. Our government cannot allow the
          opened prior to 10th May 2021 across all state   Digital Divide to become a barrier between the people. Thereby, appreciating our resolve,
          government departments. This ambitious project   NIC has shown yeoman spirit in taking up the work of digitalisation and pioneered in
          aimed to make governance more citizen-friendly   many digital initiatives.
          by ushering in a new era of eGovernance. It had   I particularly appreciate NIC’s projects in Land Re-
          three primary objectives:              cords, Transport (CM-TRANS), Website Standardisation
           1. disposal of old pending cases (prior to 10th   (ePrastuti), Office Automation (Office), CM Dashboard,
          May  2021)  through  applications  received  within   Elections,  Pension  (Kritagyata),  Grievance  Redressal
          a 3-month window from citizens through the
          Sadbhavana Portal.                     (CPGRAMS), PDS, eGRAS, Procurement, Courts etc. We
           2. closing of all physical files which were   have excellent co-ordination with NIC and NIC has al-
          opened prior to 10th May 2021 by closing all   ways been committed to realise the digital potential of
          pending matters in those files.        our State.
           3. migration of all Departments to eOffice by   I hope the NIC newsletter ‘Informatics’ gives an ex-
          2nd October 2022.                      hilarating account of how NIC has been on the forefront
           The  project  was  closely  monitored  by  an   to carry forward ‘Digital India Programme’ to champion
          Interdepartmental  Coordination  Committee  the cause of inclusive growth. Hope the newsletter is
          chaired by the Chief Secretary Assam, with the   well received by all.
          ARTP & PG Department, which was responsible
          for its implementation and review of the disposal
          of applications. After the successful completion
          of the initial phase, the Sadbhavana Portal is                                   Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma
          being made available as a permanent platform                                             Chief Minister, Assam
          for citizens to seek a resolution to files pending
          in any Department, Directorate and Deputy   Chief Minister’s Transport   routed to DTOs with less work, thereby, ensuring
          Commissioners Office by submitting a request to                        greater efficiency and faster service delivery.
          the concerned office through the portal.  Randomised Allocation Networked
                                             System (CM-TRANS)                   Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) in
          eOffice                              CM-TRANS is an online work allocation system   Assam Portal
          (    that aims to improve service delivery and eradi-  (
           eOffice implementation in Assam first started   cate corrupt practices across all District Transport   Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) in Assam is a
          in the year 2017. As a  result of Project Sadbha-  Offices (DTOs) in the state.  single window clearance system, which has been
          vana, all departments at the Assam Secretariat   The novel system is conceptualised by the   developed as a consequence of ‘Assam Ease of
          have been completely migrated to the eOffice by   Hon’ble Chief Minister of Assam, Dr. Himanta   doing Business Act 2016.’
          2nd October 2022. In its latest phase, Offices of   Biswa Sarma and implemented by the State   It facilitates an all-inclusive mechanism for in-
          Deputy Commissioners in all districts of Assam   Centre in collaboration with the Assam State   vestors and acts as a single authoritative source
          were boarded to the system by 1st January 2023.   Transport Department. It covers all contactless   of information for investors on government pol-
          Further, in subsequent phases, the system will be   transport services being offered by the State   icies, incentive schemes and the availability of
          rolled out to the Directorates, Commissionerates,   Transport Department.  infrastructure.
          District  offices  and  Sub-Divisional  offices  with   The system does away with the concept of   As of December 2022, 69,833 new Common Ap-
          the goal of achieving 100 percent electronic file   verifying and approving applications in a local   plication Forms (CAFs) had been registered on the
          movement by 30th June 2023. The implementation   DTO, but instead, allocates the application   portal for a total of 1,50,552 service licences. Out
          of eOffice has paved the way for a more efficient   randomly across 32 DTOs based on their individual   of which, 67,882 CAFs have been approved and
          and transparent governance in Assam.  workloads. The applications are automatically   1,26,828 licences have been issued.

              Fig. 1.1: Hon’ble Chief Minister, Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma during an interactive session with various
              state government officials to ensure the readiness and smooth operation of Project Sadbhavana

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