Page 8 - Informatics, April 2021
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From the States

                                                                                 with DBT platform. This will enable them to do
                                                                                 Direct Benefit Transfer   to the beneficiary’s bank
                                                                                 account through the Aadhaar Enabled Payment
                                                                                 System. The DBT platform provides services to the
                                                                                 various departments to perform validation of Aadhar
                                                                                 number with UIDAI, check for availability of Bank
                                                                                 Accounts seeded with Aadhar and through NPCI
                                                                                 service and resolve issues with respect to payment.
                                                                                 For payment, DBT is integrated with Khajane-II and
                                                                                 the State Bank of India.
                                                                                    89 Schemes from 14 departments are on-boarded
                                                                                 on the DBT platform. A total amount of Rs 10,160 Cr.
                                                                                 has been transferred to 3.65 Cr. Beneficiaries through
                                                                                 the DBT portal till date. About Rs. 684 Cr. have been
                                                                                 paid to 24.9 lakh beneficiaries under various Covid-19
                                                                                 relief schemes.
                                                                                    Panchatantra is a comprehensive system for
                                                                                 automation  of  activities  of  all  the  6009  Gram
            Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka, Shri B. S. Yediyurappa inaugurating the eGazette Portal  Panchayats of Karnataka.  Double entry accounting
                                                                                 system the core of the project, helps Panchayats to
          automate the supply chain management of drugs   in the states of Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,   capture all the financial transactions like receipts,
          procured from Karnataka State Medical Supplies   Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chandigarh, West   payments, demands, etc. and thereby allowing
          Corporation Limited and supplied free of cost to   Bengal, Kerala and Haryana. And the implementation   Panchayats to generate various financial statements
          the patients across Karnataka. At critical stages in   is under progress in the states of Assam,  Delhi, Bihar   like Income & Expenditure statements, Balance
          the workflow, the data is stored in Blockchain.  This   and Madhya Pradesh.  Sheets, etc  It also has citizen interface for online
          includes the POs, the batch ID details, quantity, expiry   DBT         services of the gram panchayats.
          details, inward and outward details at warehouse                          Operational in all the Gram Panchayat since
          and hospitals.  The quality test report received from   Direct Benefit Transfer  2015-16 this system is benefitting over 400 Lakh of
          test labs would be updated in blockchain  Government of Karnataka provides benefits   rural population and 6009 GPs in improving in their
            This will facilitate easy recall of non standard   citizens through several schemes and programmes   delivery of services and tax collection.
          drugs.  The patient will be able to check the expiry,   of Govt. of India & Govt. of Karnataka -   Subsidies
          quality, manufacture details etc. from the blockchain.  to farmers, scholarships to students, social security  Worksoft
            For the year 2019-2020 about 800 drug details   pensions, and micro-credit to poor women etc   The Rural Development and  Panchayat  Raj
          along with Purchase Orders and the movement   to name a few. The new initiative is to provide a   department executes multiple development works
          details of these from supplier to 26 District Drug   common platform for all Government departments      under various schemes to improve the basic
          Warehouses and 2,783 Health institutions all across   to integrate their beneficiary management system   infrastructure in the  rural areas. In this process, they
          Karnataka State is stored in the blockchain.
                                             Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary Information System
          GST e-Invoice
            GST e-invoice system, the game changer in the                        DBT
          GST system, was launched on 1st October, 2020 on
          PAN-India  basis,  for  the  businesses  who  have  an
          aggregate turnover of more than Rs. 500 Crores in   KSNDMC                              Aadhaar
          the financial year. ‘e-invoicing’ essentially involves
          reporting details of specified GST documents to a
          Government-notified portal and obtaining a Invoice
          Reference Number (IRN). GST e-invoice System is a
          path-breaking initiative that is going to revolutionize
          the way businesses interact with each other. It also
          helps the recipient to get an Input Tax Credit for   Nadakacheri                                Bhoomi
          the purchases. From day one, this system is running
          smoothly and in the first two months of introduction
          itself, more than 1,089 Lakh e-invoices are generated               FRUITS
          on the NIC portal by 33,000 tax payers.
          GST Prime
                                                  Crop Survey                                             Ration Card
          NIC-GST Analytics System
            GST Prime system is an analytical system from NIC
          for the GST officers in the country. It pulls the data
          from the GST Common Portal, E-Way Bill system and
          other external systems and analyses the data and
          provides the information to the officers for further
          action. This system has helped the GST departments   NPCI                              SMS Gateway
          in improving tax compliance and collection and
          fraud detections. GST Prime has been implemented

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