Page 9 - Informatics, April 2021
P. 9

From the States

          get multiple development works executed in the   wherein farmer can register, provide produce to the
          rural area so that the basic infrastructure is built for   procurement agencies and receive the payment
          rural people.                      for their produce directly to his bank account.  The
            The comprehensive Worksoft system facilitates   registration of farmers is done through the FRUITS
          the RDPR department in following the procedure   system, which will validate his details along with land
          laid down for execution of works and effective   records and agricultural produces.
          monitoring of implementation of the same under   With  the  introduction  of  the  above  system,
          different schemes.                 the registrations of farmers and procurement of
                                             produce is done with ease and the payment to the
          FRUITS                             farmers is made within 15 days of the procurement,
          Farmer Registration & Unified Beneficiary   which otherwise used to take 3 to 4 months.  This
          Information System                 has benefitted a substantial number of farmers.
            FRUITS is an e-Governance application for   During the last financial  year, more than ten
          managing farmers database and benefits provided   commodities were covered under MSP operations by
          to farmers/ institutions/ producing organisations,   six departments/agencies and more than 5.80 lakh
          covering  the  schemes  executed    by    Department   farmers are benefitted from this system.
          of Agriculture and allied departments. All these
          departments  deal  with  farmers  when  it  comes  to  Samrakshane
          providing benefits from the government in the form
          of subsidy/ financial assistance. A well organised and   Samrakshane (meaning  protection)  is an  end
          scrutinised farmer database will avoid farmers from   to end, state-of-the-art e-Governance solution and
          running from pillar to post for availing benefits and   farmer-friendly system for crop insurance enrolment,
          submission of same set of documents repeatedly.   registering claims, compensation calculation and   Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Union Minister
          For departments, it helps in bringing transparency in   payment of compensation to farmers under the   inaugurating the CoE in Blockchain Technology
          selection of beneficiaries, avoiding chances of same   Crop Insurance Schemes, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima   digitally
          beneficiary(ies) availing multiple benefits.  Yojana  (PMFBY)  and  Modified  Weather  Based  Crop
            Farmers can request online for  registration,   Insurance Scheme (MWBCIS).   services to citizens.
          modification of existing details etc. Electronic   It has been operationalised in 2016 and   As of now, Seva Sindhu provides 760 online
          integration has been achieved with Aadhaar,   successfully completed 14 seasons since inception.   services of 64 departments.
          BHOOMI (land  Records  System),  Nada-Kacheri   It has resulted in increase in Non-loanee farmer  EASE
          (Revenue departments certificates issue system),   enrolments and reduction in Process cycle time for   Electronic Answer Script Evaluation System
          PDS and EPIC system. The system also facilitates   compensation payment by almost 10 months.  The   EASE is a system to carry out the computerized
          updation of details of benefits passed on to farmers   payments are made through SBI payment gateway.  evaluation of the theory examination, conducted
          by stakeholder departments based on registration                       by the various universities, agencies. The system
          ID. Applications of stakeholder departments  interact  Seva Sindhu     enables onscreen evaluation of theory examinations
          and exchange data using Web API.   and is being used by Education Department for
            6 Departments with 27 schemes are on-boarded   Seva Sindhu is a Service Plus based platform   entrance tests conducted for recruitment of teachers
          with FRUITS (   to deliver government services at the doorsteps   and lecturers. It is hosted in cloud environment
          Payments to beneficiaries are being done using the   of citizens. Seva Sindhu is integrated with various   with distributed scanning stations and onscreen
          DBT platform. An amount of Rs. 570 Crores has been   service delivery channels of the Government of   evaluation centres, accessed through internet/
          disbursed to about 1 Crore beneficiaries till date   Karnataka namely citizen service centres (Bangalore   intranet.
          under different schemes.           One, GramaOne, JanaSevaka, Karnataka One) , Atalji
                                             Jana Snehi Kendra and Bapuji Kendras. It aims to   It is generic system and supports academic
          FAPS                               bring all departmental services under one platform.   related activities covering parallel evaluations of the
          Farmer Agriculture Produce Support System   It  is  a  step  towards  providing  accessible,  cost-  same answer scripts by different evaluators using
            FAPS application is a total work flow based system   effective, accountable and transparent government   secured encryption of data. It is being implemented
                                                                                 for KPSC (Karnataka Public Service Commission),
                                                                                 Govt.  of  Karnataka,  for  their  regular  recruitment
            Dr. C N Ashwathnarayan, Hon’ble Deputy CM and Hon’ble Minister, Higher Education inaugurating
            the Online e-Affiliation Portal for Universities of Karnataka        purposes.
                                                                                 e-Gazette system
                                                                                    The e-Gazette is web application with built in
                                                                                 workflow  for  all  the  stake  holders  starting  from
                                                                                 submitter, uploader, approver and nodal officer.  At
                                                                                 each  stage,  the  document  is  digitally  signed  and
                                                                                 finally the Gazette is published on the portal.  With
                                                                                 launch of e-Gazette, the physical publication of
                                                                                 Gazettes has been discontinued and very minimum
                                                                                 copies of e-Gazettes are printed and kept for record
                                                                                 purpose.   Government printing press used to print
                                                                                 an average of 39 crore pages of weekly gazette and
                                                                                 1.2 crore pages of extra ordinary gazettes each year.
                                                                                 With e-Gazette, the number of pages per year is
                                                                                 reduced to 10,000 pages.
                                                                                    Since it is a web application, all the Gazettes

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