District Informatics

Palakkad, Kerala Empowering Palakkad: Innovating for a Digital Future

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NIC Palakkad has played a pivotal role in transforming e-governance and IT infrastructure in the region. Key achievements include developing systems for land record digitization and management, enhancing survey and land records processes, and implementing a unified land management platform. Additionally, it has innovated in electoral processes and upgraded district websites to modern standards, significantly improving public service delivery and administrative efficiency.

NIC Palakkad, established in 1988, has played a pivotal role in the technological transformation of the district. For over three decades, this centre has been at the forefront of developing and implementing a wide array of information technology projects, significantly contributing to the digital infrastructure of the region. Its expertise has not only been confined to the local sphere but has also extended to designing, developing, and executing various state-level projects. The NIC Palakkad District Centre stands as a testament to the progressive integration of technology in governance and public services, marking a significant stride in the district’s journey towards digital empowerment.

State Level Initiatives


ReLIS (Revenue Land Information System) is a key initiative under the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP), aimed at modernizing and digitizing land records. This project enables online services for landowners, including mutation, tax payments, and accessing the Record of Right. It integrates revenue and registration processes for efficient management and offers comprehensive land records management. ReLIS also interfaces with various systems beyond property registration, covering aspects like land acquisition, assignment, relinquishment, and legal heirship. The system has successfully digitized basic land records for all villages in Kerala, making online mutation and other services readily accessible.


RMS (ReSurvey Records Management System) is a workflow system developed for the Department of Survey and Land Records. It is integrated with ReLIS to streamline and enhance the efficiency of resurvey activities.


ILMS (Integrated Land Management System) is a unified platform that consolidates major land-related applications from the Registration, Revenue, and Survey departments. It offers a onestop portal for citizens to access all land services efficiently.

Key District Level Initiatives

Polling Booth Status Checker

The Polling Booth Status Checker is a progressive web application (PWA) created for the 2019 General Election, allowing users to check queue status at polling booths in real-time.

Palakkad District Website

The District website was successfully migrated to the S3WaaS framework, retaining its original content while incorporating new features required by the framework.

articleimg Fig 4.3: Palakkad district website homepage

Entry Tickets Accounting Software

Entry Tickets Accounting software is a webbased application for issuing entry tickets and managing accounts for Malampuzha Aquarium. It efficiently generates necessary registers and various reports for back-office use and has been running successfully for several years.


It is an online platform designed to assist flood-affected individuals in Palakkad district. It serves as a unique portal for sponsoring household and other essential items to those impacted by the deluge.

Other Key Initiatives


eOffice is a comprehensive web application that automates government file processing workflows, including Tapal creation, file creation, processing, and order issuance. It has been successfully implemented across all departments in the district


e-District is an initiative for delivering integrated, online citizen services at the district level, featuring automated workflows, backend digitization, and process redesign. Palakkad district, a pilot for this initiative, offers G2C services like certificate issuance and RTI & public grievance filings, with over 16.51 lakh digitally signed certificates issued.


SPARK (Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala) is an integrated system providing personnel, payroll, and accounts services to all state government employees, including payroll and income tax details. This project has been successfully implemented in the district.


PARIVAHAN has been implemented for RTO computerization in all 8 offices, PEARL in 23 Sub Registrar Offices, PDS in 8 Civil Supplies offices, and Treasury Information System across all Sub and District Treasuries. The EnteJilla App is deployed for public feedback, AEBAS in all offices, and a Revenue Recovery Application. Additionally, the District Centre actively participated in Local Bodies and General Elections.

Other successful projects in the district include the National Database of Arms License (NDAL/ ALIS), MGNREGS, eAuction, eTender, Indian Citizen Application, iRAD/eDAR, and the implementation of the Forest Rights Act 2005.

The District Centre also coordinated and participated in the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra, a Government of India programme, in the district from 15th November 2023 to 10th January 2024 providing training and support for portal use, and facilitating video conferencing and live streaming across various district locations.

articleimg Fig 4.1: Live streaming of Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’s inauguration held on 15th November 2023 at Attappadi Block, Palakkad


  • Awarded the Chief Minister’s Award for Innovations in Public Policy in 2019
  • Received the inaugural Kerala State e-Governance Award in 2008 in the Digital File Flow category
  • Received first-ever CSI-Nihilent e-District Award in 2007-2008 for its e-Governance initiatives
  • Received the CSI-Nihilent Best Project award in 2006-2007 for implementation of DC Suite project in Palakkad District
Dr. S.Chithra, ias
Dr. S.Chithra, IAS
District Collector & District Magistrate

articleimg Fig 4.2: Inauguration of Revenue eServices & Mobile App in order to facilitate the users with easy access of the revenue services

Way Forward

As NIC Palakkad moves forward, its future roadmap is focused on further integrating advanced technologies to enhance e-governance and public service delivery. The centre aims to expand its digital infrastructure, incorporating AI, IoT, and cloud computing to streamline processes and make services more accessible. There is also a strong emphasis on cybersecurity to protect data and privacy. Collaborating with local communities and stakeholders, NIC Palakkad plans to develop more citizen-centric applications, ensuring that digital advancements are inclusive and beneficial to all. By staying abreast of emerging tech trends and continuously innovating, NIC Palakkad is set to redefine the landscape of digital governance in the region.

Contact for more details

District Informatics Officer

NIC District Centre Palakkad
Collectorate, Civil Station, Palakkad, Kerala – 678001


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