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Volume 29 No.4, April 2021
          Dr. NEETA VERMA
          Advisory Panel
          Nagesh Shastri
          Shalini Mathrani
          IPS Sethi
          Ajay Singh Chahal

          Mohan Das Viswam
          Zonal Editors
          Dr. Dibakar Ray
          Reuban K                                                                 12
          Kavita Barkakoty
          Sarbjeet Singh
          AK  Dadhichi

          Web Version                        Contents
          Sunil Sunsunwal
          Archana Sharma

          Design Support
          Mukesh Bharti                      Credits & Editorial                 . . . . 02   e-Gov Products & Services:
          Rohit Maurya                                                           ICES                                . . . . 17
          Print, Circulation & Dispatch      Director General, NIC                   . . . . 03   Shaladarpan                . . . . 20
          Anita Bhardwaj                                                         Prayas                              . . . . 23
                                             Spotlight:                          Aabhar                              . . . . 27
          Published by                       25 Years of NICSI                   . . . . 04  Online Booking System of BCD       . . . . 29
          National Informatics Centre        NIC celebrates AI Day                 . . . . 06  IFMS, Punjab                . . . . 31
          MietY,Government of India          Int’l Women’s Day at NIC                . . . . 48
          A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road                                       Technology Update:
          New Delhi-110003, INDIA            From the States:                    Build Your Own Bot                  . . . . 34
                                             Karnataka                           . . . . 07
          Contact Address                                                        Mobile App Development                . . . . 36
          INFORMATICS                        District Informatics:
          379, A4B4, Floor-3, NIC            Akola                               . . . . 12  Appscape                     . . . . 39
          A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road   Patna                               . . . . 15   In the News                    . . . . 40
          New Delhi-110003, INDIA                                                Accolades                           . . . . 45
          Phone: 011 -24305365

          Editorial                          services from quality empanelled vendors.   Day at NIC. The State covered in this issue is
                                             With this,  NICSI continues to fulfil its vision   Karnataka and the Districts featured are Akola
                   ne of the key enabling forces   of contributing to the acceleration of socio-  and  Patna. The eGov Products and Services
                   for providing and procuring ICT   economic growth. It is notable that with the   section has  ICES,  Online  Booking  System,
                   based solutions to governments,   successful execution of over 1700 projects   IFMS Punjab, Prayas and Shaladarpan. In the
                   public sector undertakings and   annually, NICSI has grown to serve Government   Technology Update section, BYOB (Build Your
                   various related entities is the   of India and other developing countries in its   Own Bot) and  Mobile App Development  are
         ONICSI.  Since its formation in 1995,   glorious 25 year history.       featured. The usual sections such as Appscape,
          NICSI has been providing state-of-the-art and   In  this  issue,  we  are  glad  to  cover  the   In the News and Accolades have interesting
          cost effective solutions for all the growing ICT   Silver Jubilee Year celebration event of NICSI   updates.
          needs of various stakeholders and citizens. The   held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. We wish the   We welcome your valuable feedback and
          success of Digital India programme owes a lot   organisation all the very best in the years to   suggestions which would help us improve the
          to NICSI for the multi-dimensional role it has   come.                 magazine to make it more useful.
          been playing in supporting the government.  The  other  two  spotlight  features  in  this   Take good care of yourself and stay safe.
            These solutions have been delivered by in-  issue are the celebration of  NIC’s Artificial

          house development, purchase of products and   Intelligence Day and  International Women’s   - Editor

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