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                                                                                        Ministry of Electronics & IT
                                                                                           Government of India

                  S. Krishnan, IAS

                I   t is with great pleasure and a profound sense of responsibility that I address you as the

                    newly appointed Secretary to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology,
                    Government of India. As we embark on this journey together, I wish to convey my heartfelt
                    gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication to the cause of digital transformation
                  in our nation.
                    In recent years, India has emerged as a shining beacon on the global stage, thanks in no small
                  part to your tireless efforts. We have aptly executed numerous eGovernance initiatives, which
                  have not only enriched the lives of our fellow citizens but have also garnered international
                  acclaim. Many countries now view us as a pioneering example of harnessing technology for
                  effective governance.
                    In today’s context, digital infrastructure stands as an indispensable cornerstone of
                  our  society,  rivalling  the  significance  of  traditional  infrastructures  like  power,  water,  and
                  transportation. With nearly half a billion internet users and a burgeoning landscape of
                  homegrown digital services, India stands at the threshold of an extraordinary journey towards
                  digital economic transformation.
                    Amidst this transformation, inclusivity remains a core principle as we aspire to cultivate a
                  culture that extends equal opportunities to every citizen. Initiatives such as MyGov, UPI, Digital
                  Locker, MeghRaj, and SWAYAM have been instrumental in this process. They have streamlined
                  government services and elevated the overall quality of life. Furthermore, as we prepare for
                  the forthcoming phase of Digital India, it is paramount that we prioritise world-class digital
                  infrastructure, robust cybersecurity measures, emerging technologies, and the safeguarding
                  of data.
                    As  we  embark  on  this  collective  journey,  I  am  very  confident  that,  with  your  continued
                  support, dedicated  commitment,  and  collective  effort,  we  will  continue  our  position  as  a
                  global leader in the digital era.
                    I extend my sincere appreciation for your steadfast dedication to the vision of a digital,
                  inclusive, and prosperous India.

                  Warm Regards
                  S. Krishnan

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