1 2
3 4
1A 2U
3S W A N 4e M
d H A 5e
h 6O p e n S o u r c e
7N K N a s G f
I a p f
8C y b e r S e c u r i t y i
N t c
E 9B i g D a t a e
T l


  • 3. State Wide Area Network to connect state administration offices
  • 6. Software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance
  • 7. NKN for connecting educational and research institutions
  • 8. Protection against cyber threats and securing digital infrastructure.
  • 9. Extremely large data sets analyzed computationally to reveal patterns and trends.


  • 1. A unique identification project by the Government of India
  • 2. Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance
  • 4. An ICT solution for the management of hospital services
  • 5. A paperless office solution by NIC for government departments
  • 7. A nationwide communication network by NIC