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Online Policy-Based Transfers SystemA comprehensive system for implementation of bulk transfers

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The Online Policy-Based Transfers System simplifies employee movement within the government, replacing paperwork with digital efficiency. It orchestrates seamless transfers across departments, streamlining processes and ensuring clarity and precision in each movement. Recognized for modernization, it underscores the government’s commitment to effective governance.

Within the expansive infrastructure of the HRMS application lies an innovative tool known as the online policy-based transfer system. This system serves as a beacon of transparency, orchestrating the seamless migration of regular employees throughout the labyrinthine corridors of various departments, boards, and corporations within the Government of Haryana.

Gone are the days of cumbersome paperwork and bureaucratic hurdles; this module heralds a new era of efficiency by digitizing the transfer process, ensuring that each movement is executed with precision and clarity. Over the span of the last two years, this system has notched up an impressive tally, successfully executing more than 100 online transfer policies across different cadres. This system makes it super easy to move lots of employees among different departments, boards, and corporations.

Such a feat has not gone unnoticed, as the Government of Haryana basks in the glow of well-deserved recognition for their forward-thinking approach. Indeed, this online transfer system stands as a testament to their commitment to modernization and effectiveness in governance.


The online policy-based transfer system serves as a pivotal module within the bureaucratic machinery of the government, designed specifically to orchestrate large-scale transfers of employees within a particular cadre. Each cadre, or group of employees, operates under a predefined policy framework established by the government. This framework delineates the criteria and guidelines for transfers, ensuring a fair and transparent process.

At the heart of this system lies a meticulously crafted policy document, meticulously crafted and ratified by the government, which serves as the blueprint for employee transfers. It delineates various criteria such as the tenure of service at a particular location, performance ratings, and other relevant factors. Based on these predetermined criteria, a pool of eligible employees is identified from within the cadre, each awaiting potential relocation.

These eligible employees undergo a rigorous evaluation process to determine their suitability for transfer. Their individual scores, computed based on the outlined criteria, serve as a guiding beacon in the allocation of vacant positions across different offices. It’s a process driven by objectivity, ensuring that each transfer decision is rooted in fairness and meritocracy.

The implementation of this system is facilitated through two main portals: HRMS (https://hrmshry. nic.in) and IntraHry (https://intrahry.gov.in). The HRMS portal serves as the nerve center for administrative action, allowing nodal officers and other authorities within the various departments to oversee and execute transfer procedures. On the other hand, IntraHry empowers employees themselves, providing them with a platform to verify their scores, express their preferences, and participate actively in the transfer process.

In essence, the online policy-based transfer system epitomizes the government’s commitment to efficiency, transparency, and employee welfare. It’s a technologically-driven solution that streamlines what was once a complex and arduous administrative task, ultimately fostering a more agile and responsive workforce.

informatics Fig 9.1: Online Policy-Based Transfers - Group Wise


Following are the features of this system:

  • Generation of Transfer Drive: The process kicks off with the nodal officer of each department creating an online transfer drive. This involves setting key parameters such as the cut-off date for tenure calculation and any mandatory requirements. Essentially, it’s about laying down the groundwork for the upcoming transfer process.
  • Score Generation and Verification: Next comes the generation and verification of scores. This is a two-step process where the authority responsible for each employee calculates their score based on the matrix defined in the transfer policy. Once generated, the score is then checked by the employee themselves and finally locked in by the authority, ensuring accuracy and fairness.
  • Voluntary Participation: Certain categories of employees have the option to participate voluntarily in the transfer drive. For instance, those who are due to retire within a year from the date of the transfer drive’s generation can choose to join the process willingly, adding a layer of flexibility to the system.
  • Rationalization of Posts: The system is seamlessly integrated with the ePost module, which stores information on sanctioned posts for each department down to the office level. This allows for a comprehensive overview of each office’s staffing situation including sanctioned, filled and vacant posts. Nodal officers then adjust post allocations based on workload requirements, ensuring efficient resource distribution.
  • Choice Filling: Eligible employees slated for transfer submit their choices in order of preference. Only offices with vacancies opened through post rationalization are visible for choice filling, streamlining the process and ensuring realistic options for employees.
  • Transfer Order Generation: Once choices are submitted, final transfer orders are generated using predefined templates provided by the department. Prioritization of office allocation is based on employee scores, with higher-scoring employees receiving priority. Offices are allocated based on employee preferences and vacancy availability, ensuring a fair and efficient distribution of transfers.
  • Relieving and Joining: After transfer orders are generated, the system automatically updates the data for relieving and joining of employees in the respective authorities’ accounts, ensuring a smooth transition for all parties involved.

Technologies Used

Online policy based transfer module is a part of HRMS application which is developed in ASP. NET framework as front end. Microsoft SQL server is used for database of application. In addition, application uses Bootstrap, Javascript for designing and scripting purposes. Microsoft reporting services are used for generating reports at different steps in module

Architectural Flow

The architectural flow of the online policy-based transfer system involves the interaction between various components and stakeholders to facilitate the smooth execution of employee transfers within the government bureaucracy. Here’s an architectural flow based on the provided information:

informatics Fig 9.2: Online Policy-Based Transfers - Department Wise

  • Policy Framework Establishment: The government establishes a comprehensive policy framework for employee transfers. This framework defines criteria and guidelines for transfers, ensuring fairness and transparency.
  • Policy Document Management: The meticulously crafted policy document serves as the blueprint for transfers. It is stored and managed within a secure repository accessible to authorized personnel.
  • Eligibility Evaluation Module:
    Criteria Processing: Eligible employees are identified based on predefined criteria such as tenure of service and performance ratings.
    Evaluation Algorithm: A rigorous evaluation process computes individual scores for eligible employees based on the outlined criteria.
  • Transfer Allocation Module:Score-based Allocation: Vacant positions across different offices are allocated to eligible employees based on their computed scores.
    Fairness and Objectivity: The allocation process ensures fairness and objectivity, adhering to the principles of meritocracy.
  • HRMS Portal:
    HRMS Portal:
    Administrative Interface: Nodal officers and authorities within departments access the HRMS portal to oversee and execute transfer procedures.
    Transfer Management:
    The portal facilitates the management of transfer requests, approvals, and related administrative tasks
  • IntraHry Portal:
    Employee Interface: Employees access the IntraHry portal to verify their scores, express preferences, and participate actively in the transfer process.
    Preference Submission: Employees submit transfer preferences and engage with available positions through the portal.
  • Transfer Execution:
    Approval Workflow: Transfer requests are processed and approved through the HRMS portal, triggering the execution of transfers.
    Logistics Management: Logistics and administrative tasks associated with employee relocation are managed to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Monitoring and Feedback Mechanism:
    Continuous Monitoring: The system allows for continuous monitoring of the transfer process to ensure compliance with the policy framework.
    Feedback Collection: Mechanisms for gathering feedback from employees and stakeholders enable iterative improvements to the transfer system.
  • Security and Compliance:
    Data Security: Measures are in place to ensure the security and confidentiality of employee data throughout the transfer process.
    Compliance: The system adheres to regulatory and compliance requirements governing employee transfers within the government.
  • Scalability and Performance:
    Infrastructure Scalability: The architecture is designed to accommodate large-scale transfers and varying workload demands.
    Performance Optimization: Optimization techniques are employed to enhance system performance and responsiveness.
    Overall, this architectural flow illustrates how the online policy-based transfer system orchestrates employee transfers within the government bureaucracy, leveraging technology to ensure efficiency, transparency, and fairness in the process.


  • Transparency:The policy-based transfer system offers complete transparency, allowing departments to effortlessly track the status of each employee with just a click. This visibility ensures accountability and clarity throughout the process.
  • Less Prone to Error: With allocations handled by precise algorithms, the online system is significantly less susceptible to errors compared to manual methods. This reduces the risk of mistakes and ensures accuracy in station assignments.
  • Easy Monitoring: Unlike manual processes that require meticulous paper-based tracking and analysis, the online system provides departments with comprehensive reports, enabling them to monitor every stage of the transfer drive effortlessly. This simplifies oversight and enhances efficiency
  • Quick Implementation: Transfer drives are swiftly implemented, typically spanning 15 to 30 days depending on cadre strength. This rapid turnaround is a stark contrast to the lengthy 2-3 month duration of manual processes, which often involve physical file movements.
  • No Legal Hassles: By adhering to approved policies and executing transfers transparently online, departments mitigate legal risks. The absence of manual intervention ensures compliance and reduces the likelihood of legal complications.
  • Paperless Operation: Embracing a paperless approach from start to finish, the system saves significant amounts of departmental paper usage. This not only promotes environmental conservation but also streamlines operations by eliminating paperwork-related inefficiencies.

Targets Ahead

At present, the implemented policies differ between departments, posing challenges for state government authorities to ensure consistent implementation and for NIC to adapt the code accordingly. The state government is currently drafting a standardised online transfer policy applicable across all departments. Certain adjustments are required in the existing online module within HRMS to align with the modifications in this unified policy.

Contact for more details

V. Gopi Swaminathan

Senior Technical Director & ASIO
A Block, 4th Floor, Chief Secretariat,


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